Advantage Of Morning Walk


Advantage Of Morning Walk

Some people play games like cricket, hockey, football, volleyball, badminton etc. Others prefer yogic exercises because these keep not only the body but also the mind in perfect condition. Nowadays, games have become very expensive. Everybody cannot afford them. Yogic exercises cannot be learned without the help of a yoga teacher. But walking is an exercise which is the cheapest. It does not need any training. It is the easiest of all exercises. It is a light exercise. A morning walk is the best exercise. It can keep a person fit and fresh throughout the day. It is suitable for all whether rich or poor, the young or the old, boys and girls. It refreshes the mind and improves the health. It provides fresh air to the lungs. It purifies the blood. It improves digestion. That is why doctors always recommend a morning walk to their patients. Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of our Nation, laid great stress on morning walk. He himself used to go out for a morning walk every day. He even undertook a number of Yatras journeys on foot, to meet the people on the way. He loved walking very much. It is true that for some persons it is not very easy to get up from their beds early in the morning, particularly in the winter season. But if one has the determination and a strong will power, it should not be too difficult for any person to rise early even in winter. One must form a regular habit of a morning walk. This exercise is good for health only if it is undertaken regularly without any break. In small towns, the people can go out for a morning walk to the nearby open fields or just stroll along a canal or river. But this is not possible in big cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata. People of these cities should go to a public   park or a garden to have a morning walk. These places look green and beautiful and offer fresh air.   A morning walk can also be had on the road provided it is free from heavy traffic. A city dweller must not go out for a morning walk to an industrial place because industrial pollution is a health hazard.   Morning is the best time for a walk. A cool breeze blows at this time. Birds chirp in the bushes and branches of the trees. In villages, one can see the farmers ploughing their fields, sowing new crops or reaping the ripe   standing crops. Persian wheels of the wells produce melodious sound. The scene in the cities is however different. Here the people generally go to the public parks or gardens for a walk. One can see many old men walking or doing light exercises. One can also come across some men doing yogic exercise on the green grass. The beautiful flowers of the garden dance with joy when a breeze blows. It is a delight to watch.  The fresh and cool air of the gardens is very invigorating. In the garden, some people take rounds; others walk barefoot o the green grass. The green grass is covered with drops of dew. Those who are young also do jogging. Fat persons are prone to diseases like diabetes, hypertension, high blood pressure, etc. Doctors advise them to restrict their diet and bring down their weight. In such cases, a brisk morning walks I very helpful in reducing weight.  Even persons who are lean and thin can benefit from a morning walk. Morning walk makes a lean person fit to digest food and thereby put on some extra flesh.  One should spend at least an hour or two on walking in a garden so that when the sun rises in the east, one can enjoy the beauty of the rising sun. Every object is draped in the golden light of the rising sun. The first rays of the sun are very good for health. It is a fact that health is wealth. A morning walk every day keeps the doctor away. It is the cheapest and the best recipe for maintaining good health

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